Kenny Zheng
The film Catfish is a great film that teaches people our generation how dangerous and unsafe the Internet world can be and how easy your personal information can be compromised by other people online. I enjoy the film greatly and was attracted by the film whole time because the film provides a feeling of mysterious of what might be happening and leaves many good questions on why would someone do such thing, another reason I believe the film caught my attention greatly is because the film was categorized under documentary, which means the people that shows up in the film were not actors and all the things they did or shown to us was an actual event.
During class, people pointed out that the reflection of the screen on Nev’s glasses represents the blindness of Internet, I really like the idea of people thinking Internet blinds people and I couldn’t agree more with the idea. I was growing up being told that seeing is believing, but as technology our generation progressives each day and any normal people can become a supermodel, seeing should not mean believing, another source to back up this idea is from an internet video under the title Tuning Pizza into Supermodel, where someone, with the help of Photoshop and other online tool, turn an ordinary pizza into a good looking model, the video was short but brings out huge message, it tells us that not everything we see online is real and we should not trust anything we see.
In addition to the information above, after watching the film “Meeting the Girl in Picture”, we found out the real name for the girl is Aimee and she’s a photographer and a model, who makes money out of the way they look, but when a normal looking person can be as beautiful as a professional model in Dove commercial, what will the modeling industry be like in the future and what will the meaning of beauty be?
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