Sunday, November 9, 2014

Dove Beauty- False Identity

Beth Smalley

This is actually an excerpt from paper 3 where I compare Catfish, Dove Beauty and Alone Together. This is from the middle of the paper where I had just finished discussing Catfish.

 A comparable photo is one from the Dove Beauty Campaign. This image is of a girl who started out just like any other, everyday woman. If only we all had jobs that allowed us to roll out of bed, throw on clothes and head to work to become beautiful. This image almost comes to me as if it is a mug shot of a woman off of the street, when really it is the complete opposite. We see this woman with a dirty blonde, dull hair color tucked behind her ears and no smile on her face. Somehow this is the woman that we all look at on the billboards driving down the highway, or the woman we see in that magazine in the check out like at the store. It’s just that the woman that we see has only had a little make up added to her and has decided to change her hair up just the slightest bit. We in turn see someone that we look up to as one of the most beautiful women on the planet. But little do we know, a little make up and curling was not all that was done to make her look as if she is this perfect person. The editors extend her neck, push back her hair, widen her eyes, adjust her nose, place a fan to make her hair flow back and do all of these things to make her something that she is not. Giving her this false identity has allowed her to think something of herself and boost her self-confidence, but it has also allowed the human population to believe in something and fall for something that isn’t really there. Some of us are looking to meet this perfect woman or just get a glance at her from afar, but little do we all know, she is the same woman that we see posing in what looks like a mug shot earlier in the video. The coincidence is that this Dove Campaign is to show what “natural beauty” really is and what it looks like. The video was titled “Evolution,” which came to be an extremely affective title when you realize what their campaign is for.


  1. What an excellent analysis of this video! The evolution of the woman we first see to the woman depicted on the billboard is quite remarkable, and you did an excellent job of taking the reader through the process. In addition, you offered a parallel of how the video connects to our real lives and how the Dove campaign is contradicted by its own videos. Assuming this paragraph connects back to your thesis, this is a very solid image analysis.

  2. I agree, we judge people instead of view them.
