Monday, November 10, 2014

Prompt 3

Silje Moen Skoglund
I chose to use the sources Catfish and the Dove videos along with Alone Together. 
Nev has a suspicion that this girl Meghan, he has been talking with might be a fake profile. Though he has also developed feelings for this girl, therefor he goes to figure out for sure if she is real or fake. Later in the movie this is confirmed, Angela is the painter and “Meghan” the girl Nev has spent nine months talking with and thinking this could really be something. He is also suspicious that Angela might be crushing on him and gotten emotionally involved as well. Angela wanted to create a life she never got but always dreamt of having. Her life was about taking care of her two stepsons with handicaps and her own daughter while also maintaining a home and painting. She was looking for a getaway, somewhere to escape and feel like she was something more or different. Therefor she used pictures of people she considered beautiful and pretending to be them, to feel better about herself and her own life.
            This all brings me back to confidence and the pressure; Dove has a video with a woman entering a room without makeup and only in basic clothes. Which could be to show the natural beauty of a woman, and then makeup is applied to the woman’s face. The transformation has started; makeup is something most women wear in our society, which is no big deal right? Though the transformation is not over quite yet. After this woman’s hair and face are all fixed up by makeup artists and hair professionals. The photographer takes the pictures, but these images will then later on be Photoshopped. The image that was originally taken will be twisted in to what is considered to be beautiful; the perfect lips, body, eyes and so on. The beauty goal is set to be an unrealistic measure by doing these changes with Photoshop; this could be what Dove is trying to say in their video. The images in beauty product commercials are unreachable for an ordinary person. This could be because even a model needs to be airbrushed with the help of technology to be what society considers beautiful. Yet, Dove is a part of the industry creating this beauty image. This is because beauty sells the unrealistic and unreachable goal, which makes consumers want to be beautiful and look like the models on TV. Every company has one main goal, which is to make the sale no matter what. To me Dove’s commercial seem to be another way of selling their product, to make them seem like the good guy in the industry.


  1. The Dove video does show us how society portrays "beauty". These are unrealistic standards that people do try to accomplish in order to please others around them and have others find them beautiful. And I do agree that beauty sells and I also believe that the main thing company's are concerned about is making the sale. Dove appears to be trying to go against what society thinks is real beauty, but at the same time, do they really care about what society thinks or just what business they will be getting in after their videos are posted?

  2. "[...] even a model needs to be airbrushed with the help of technology to be what society considers beautiful..."
    When we say "that's what society considers beautiful" we might mean, "society, as the target audience, is attracted to those images we hereby call beautiful", in such case experience shows that the tendency exists, and we seem to have been trapped into it. However, that statement might also mean that "we, the target audience, have set those standards ourselves", in such case, the affirmation seems to fall short of truth.
