Monday, November 10, 2014

Getting Noticed by The World

Getting Noticed by The World 

Inside the Facebook world, everyone wants to look their best when posting a “selfie”.  The problem is that when the  “selfie” is posted they have edited the photo before they post it, when in reality that’s not what they look like everyday. I love pictures on Facebook but I try very hard to make sure that represent who I am everyday.
Sometimes I post a picture that I want people to notice. I tell myself I have to look my very best. I proceed to do my make up, my hair, choose the perfect outfit, then I try different poses and lighting to see what I believe makes me look better. In the middle of my senior year, I felt that I wasn’t getting noticed, that my looks weren’t good enough, that something was wrong with me. I struggled a lot with myself as a result I rapidly fell into a state of depression. I honestly thought I was nothing, that no one cared about me, and that no one noticed me. I believed this so full heartedly that I started to wonder if died or took my life would anyone really miss me if I was gone.  And the person who changed this was my boyfriend Tanner he helped me see myself in a new light because he noticed me. I finally noticed I am a great person without all of the beauty products, we as consumers believe we need to look better. The preparation for a photo that uses dark makeup, your hair neatly done, cute clothes on, then the perfect pose, eventually the editing will come into play, next you post it, and lastly you watch carefully and intently to see how many likes you get on the photo this is where “all the hard work pays off”. This is a process almost every girl has done at some point in time. I am guilty of this too but less often now. Since I learned more about myself as a person and that I great everyday, I try hard not to post pictures that wouldn’t show the real everyday me.
The big question I have is why do we do this?  It’s most likely because we are insecure about ourselves, we want to get attention or we want to be noticed by the world. Getting noticed by the world though is not everything neither is hiding behind a screen or creating an avatar online because you are unhappy in your life. There are plenty of other things in the world that can make you happy if you look. Also there are plenty of people to notice you and give attention when needed most. 

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