Monday, November 10, 2014

Prompt 3 Catfish Response

Prompt 3: Catfish Response

Catfish was an eye-opening experience to the harsh reality of social media as well as digital technology. Of course people develop trust in their peers, but there is always that sense of doubt as to who is really on the other end of the conversation. It is amazing to me how easily one can be deceived, and how I could have easily been in Nev's position. He was looking for the perfect girl over the Internet, and as bad as he wanted it to be true, it was a false reality. He was clueless to the possibility that things were too good to be true. The image creativity used throughout the movie was insightful, especially in the instances where the reflection of the computer screen seemed to be the only thing in Nev's immediate vision. This was a perfect play on images and screenplay to show that Nev was only focused on his computer screen instead of the outside world. Nev went through an experience that we can all learn from as the world around us progresses head-on into the technology movement. Now is the time to be proactive with our relatives, friends and youth about proper Internet safety. Taking precautionary measures is always a wise choice, considering Nev's situation could easily be anybody else.

I thought it was peculiar that Nev and his friends took incredible risk to drive up to Michigan to find his virtual girlfriend Megan. Once Nev found out that his soon to be girlfriend was actually fake, I thought that the movie would be over shortly thereafter. But I was wrong, as Nev and his peers did in fact go to Michigan to investigate the given address of Megan. So many things could have gone wrong while on this trip, and there is not any indication as to whether the fake profile belonged to a normal individual or psychotic one. I understand they were filming for a documentary, but I most certainly would not have went on their particular excursion. Desperate people out there exist in the virtual world, and they will do anything to feed their cravings for acceptance and confidence. I will learn from Nev's mistakes and hopefully avoid this situation in the future when it comes to social media and technological communication.


  1. Great use of describing the scenes from the movie to further your analysis. I feel though that the second paragraph deviates from an analysis however, but nonetheless it was well written.

  2. I thought the same thing when Neva found out Megan story didn't add up. All the pieces were falling into place and the image was becoming more clear that Megan isn't who she said she is. But I liked what his friend said in the car that someone needs to tell her that this is right.
