During World War II, American women started to work the jobs that the men used to work at before going to war. Someone had to step up and start working the jobs that the men left behind, and the women immediately took on the role and accomplished it as vigorously as the men. Since that point in time, there was a revolution in the work force and women. Women began to realize their potential as working women. More women began to attend college and compete for jobs against men. They did not want to be the stay-at-home mom who took care of the kids and waited for their husbands to come home. As a result, women were discriminated for wanting the same job as men had. Men kept the stereotypical idea that only they could work in a factory or behind a dress. In the PetaPixel stereotype photos, the role is reversed. Men are dressed in a work attire; however, they are posing for pictures like girls would. I had mixed feelings about these pictures. At first, I laughed at the pictures because I would not expect men to pose like girls do on Instagram. That last phrase in the previous sentence made me change my mind. In the 1940s, men did not expect women to work. Women and men should have an equal opportunity to succeed in life, whatever it may be.
The pictures look ridiculous because women are usually the ones who would take it picture in that specific pose. People also said that men are suitable for running for president. I predict in the next 30 that the United States will have a female president. There is nothing wrong or embarrassing for a man to stay at home and cook, clean, and take care of the kids while his wife worked in the office to support her family. Times have changed. They will continue to change. Change is good. While the men laughed at women who worked in the 1940s, this current society laughs at the men who act like girls. This ridicule needs to stop and be replaced with support and compassion to help our society evolve for the better.
Source: http://petapixel.com/2011/10/04/men-photographed-in-stereotypically-female-poses/
When you talk about there is nothing wrong with a man staying home and cleaning, this reminds me of the show "Melissa and Joey". Melissa is a politician, and Joey is the nanny of her niece and nephew. The first few episodes showcase the struggle that Joey has with society seeing him as a nanny.
ReplyDeleteThe you said it shouldn't be embaressing for men to have a "woman's job" and vice versa; I completely agree.
I really liked how you included those two pictures in your post. The first one shows a strong woman ready to work but at the same time the picture is also very much like a pin-up so it can relate to the second picture you posted.
ReplyDeleteI actually disagree to a certain extent. Yes, there is nothing wrong for a woman to work and support her family. There is nothing wrong for the man to stay home, cook, clean, etc. But it is not OK for men to behave like women and women behave like men. We are both different types of humans; men have certain advantages and disadvantages over women, and vice versa. For example, men have more natural strength than women, so men should use that advantage in the best, most productive manner. Women have more tolerance and are much better at caring for people, so they use that advantage in the most helpful manner. They both can do each others jobs, it's just that the former may be better at a specific type of job than the latter, and vice versa. Men and women are not physically and mentally the same, so we can only live equally to a certain extent.